Wednesday, October 20, 2010


When 20 CSULB students were asked the value of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC) and the money that we as students have to pay for it, this is what they had to say.

1. Do you use the SRWC?
YES-55% NO-45%

2. Do you think it was fair to add the $118 fee to the University Student Union fee whether or you choose to use the SRWC or not?
YES-50% NO-50%

3. In the midst of the budget cuts, do you think the money spent on the SRWC could have been spent on something better?
YES-70% NO-30%

It is surprising to see that 70 percent of the students surveyed believe that their money spent on SWRC could be used on other essentials that would be more beneficial to the students or the campus. However, it was the students themselves who voted to have the SWRC the created.

Justin Alfonso, a former ASI member in 2008 when the SWRC was first being promoted, said “I know a lot of students didn’t want to spend the money on that [SWRC]. But a majority of students thought if they would spend money, it might as well be on a recreation center. Every big school has one.”

The real questions may be, why did we vote to approve the construction of the SWRC if the money could be spent elsewhere? And what would we rather spend our money on?

Photo: Interior of the CSULB SWRC; By: Jeff Gritchen for the Press-Telegram

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